
10th December 2010

Wolverhampton University goes “Green” in the Snow!

Wolverhampton University goes Green in the Snow.Eco2Solar recently completed a large solar thermal system at Wolverhampton University during December 2010. Even with all the heavy snow, our installers were still able to press on with the installation so that the University can benefit from free heat as soon as possible. The system comprises of eight Strebel AS100-DF6 evacuated tube solar thermal collectors, which provides a significant contribution to the hot water system.

The collectors are mounted in a single row on the flat roof of the building, in an unobtrusive location against the northern parapet. Inside each tube is a collector fin that can be rotated on installation to face the optimum absorption angle. Flow and return pipework was installed running across the roof to a 1000 litre cylinder from Hamworthy located in the plant room along with a pump station and controller to regulate the flow of anti-freeze through the system.

With careful calculations Eco2Solar were able to match the demands of the building with the number of collectors installed. It is estimated that when aligned with an efficient boiler, the system will generate over 5,700kWh’s of energy per year!

Wolverhampton University goes Green in the Snow.

With the imminent arrival of the Renewable Heat Incentive in 2011, the University will benefit from tax free payments as well as saving money on heating bills. A display monitor was installed in the foyer displaying the temperature in the panel and cylinder, as well the energy being saved.