
25th April 2015

UK political party leaders agree!

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg signed a cross-party pledge to tackle climate change in February this year.

The agreement includes commitments to an internationally binding deal at Paris 2015, a promise to end unabated coal power generation and a pledge to agree a Carbon Budget in accordance with the Climate Change Act.

The agreement follows the close of the first international climate summit of 2015, in Geneva, where delegates produced the first draft of a possible “Paris Agreement” which will be negotiated throughout the year, before being agreed in the French capital in December.

It follows the launch of The Climate Coalition’s Show the Love campaign which encourages people across the UK to wear green hearts on Valentines Day and share the thing they love most that could be lost to climate change.

Al Gore said following the announcement “This agreement represents inspiring leadership and true statesmanship by all three men”. I wonder if they have forgotten it now the campaigning is in full swing!

Kind regards

Paul Hutchens

Managing Director

Eco2 Solar Ltd, Worcestershire, England