
23rd August 2010

The Community Housing Group is “FIT” for solar energy system

Solar Panels on office roof

Eco2Solar installed a large solar PV system onto the Head Office of the Community Housing Group in Kidderminster. The Group manage and develop affordable housing within Kidderminster, Bewdley and Stourport, and will therefore act as a great benchmark for the future, and enable to Group to severely lower their running costs. As the building is mainly used when the Sun is out – during the day – they can use as much of the free electricity as possible whilst still getting paid the Feed in Tariff for all the generated units.

Community Housing Group is FIT for solar energy system. The array measures 72 metres square and consists of 45 Sharp poly-crystalline solar PV modules on two areas of the roof. Thirty of the modules are on the rear of the building and fifteen are on the end to the south-west. These are then linked to three inverters housed within the building. It is estimated that the system will generate around 8,000kWh’s of free electricity every year. This could add up to over £3,500 in free electricity and payments from the Feed in Tariff Scheme. Each unit of electricity produced receives a payment under the Feed in Tariffs which are guaranteed for 25 years!
On a green front – the Group is certainly doing its bit for the environment. The system is estimated to save at least 4 tonnes of CO2 per year, and with the system expected to last for 25 years – this means around 100 tonnes will be saved over the life of the system! 

Mark Dainter, Head of Asset Management at TCHG is pleased with the installation and commented that “TCHG always seek to work with local suppliers where we can. As Eco2Solar are an accredited and experienced supplier on our doorstep, it all makes perfect sense.

Community Housing Group is FIT for solar energy system.
Community Housing Group is FIT for solar energy system. Managing Director of Eco2Solar, Paul Hutchens is delighted: “ Eco2Solar are pleased to be given the opportunity to work with a high profile local institution such as The Community Housing Group. It is fantastic that we are able to save money on fuel bills for vulnerable people and reduce fuel poverty in the Wyre Forest as well as making a significant contribution towards the fight against climate change.” 

This is the first commercial solar PV job that Eco2Solar have completed, and we are confident that it will be the start of many, as more and more businesses, schools, universities and other organisations look to cut their fuel bills, reduce their carbon footprint and make their mark in the community.