
11th April 2012

3.51kWp Solar PV System: Stables, Malvern

In November 2011, Eco2Solar installed this 3.51kWp solar PV system on these stables in Storridge. The solar system comprises nineteen Sharp NU185 solar PV panels, alongside one SMA Sunnyboy 4000TL inverter and is expected to produce an impressive 2883kwh’s of electricity free of charge every year. This renewable energy output will significantly contribute to electricity needs of the stables alongside providing the stable owner with over £1,507 a year in tax-free payments from the Government-backed Feed in Tariff scheme.

Eco2Solar’s Director, Ryan Mee, worked closely with our customer on this project and noted “It was very interesting for Eco2Solar to have a change of pace and install solar panels on to a stable block. This local installation helps to highlight the endless possibilities of solar PV locations and shows how renewable energy solutions can help people to reduce their energy usage in all types of situations”.

Ater the installation stable owner, Gil Duffy commented; “Going solar with Eco2Solar was really straight forward. The initial survey confirmed that the South facing roof in the stable yard would be ideal. A couple of weeks later the scaffolding was erected on the Tuesday, Eric, our horse, was a little wary; but soon got used to it. The panels were then installed Wednesday and the scaffolding removed the next day. We were pleased with the installation and it began generating immediately, even in weak winter sunshine. It took nearly six weeks to finalise the Feed-in tariff contract with Npower but it was back dated to the installation day and we are now signed up until 2036! It looks like it will be a great investment as well as reducing our carbon footprint- and most importantly Eric is happy!”