
21st October 2011

3.8kWp Solar PV System: Compton, Wolverhampton

At the end of September 2011, Eco2Solar installed this 3.8kWp solar PV system to the rear of this pretty, detached house in West Wolverhampton. The system comprises of twenty Suntech190W panels and a Sunnyboy400TL inverter; to allow full maximisation of the available roof space whilst staying below the 43.3p Feed-in-Tariff cut off of 4kWp.

The system is expected to generate 3,204kWh of energy annually, which in turn will provide the homeowner with £1,387 of tax-free income from the Feed-in-Tariff scheme, which is guaranteed for the next 25 years and linked to inflation.

The customer commented on their installation; “We chose Eco2Solar based upon their reputation and competitive price. The sales process was relaxed and unpressured alongside a professional installation; we would definitely recommend Eco2Solar to others”.