
7th October 2011

Eco2Solar Wins Esteemed Doctors Surgery Contract

Eco2Solar has been announced as the successful candidate to install an impressive 3.99kWp PV system to May Lane Surgery, Gloucestershire. The system consists of one Sunnyboy 400TL inverter and 21 Suntech 190W mono-crystalline Solar PV modules; these panels were chosen as Suntech are the Worlds No1 Manufacturer of solar silicon modules. The modules also come with a 10 year product guarantee, compared to most other modules which have just 5 years, making them a solid investment for the surgery.

We are pleased to announce that the system is expected to produce 3,425kWh of energy for the surgery each year. This energy output will result in an annual, tax-free income of £1,483 for the surgery; whilst dramatically reducing their non-renewable energy usage and bills. This amount is guaranteed by the government-back Feed in Tariff scheme for 25 years and is index linked, meaning that the surgery can expect to make a staggering overall return of over 12%; making their solar PV system a healthy investment.