
26th September 2012

Eco2Solar Continue Fantastic Snitterfield Support with School Installation

Solar power

In the spirit of goodwill and appreciation, for The Snitterfield Actionning Climate Change’s support of Eco2Solar’s renewable energy installations, Eco2Solar have complete the installation of a 3.51kWp solar PV system on Snitterfield Primary school this September.

Usually we provide a 2kWp solar PV system for Snitterfield free of charge, for every ten installations which they provide for us; however on this occasion we have increasing the system size by 1.51kWp system on the primary school. The primary school will gain free electricity and money from the feed in tariffs, saving them money and the environment; alonside creating environmental awareness for children at the school.

The installation, on the south-east facing school roof pitch incorporated 18 Phono Solar 195W panels and one SMA Sunny boy SB 4000TL inverter; with an expected annual output of 2,736kWh of energy each year. This renewable energy output will reduce the running costs of the school and provide them with an annual tax-free income of £588 from the government-backed Feed in Tariff scheme, and also save them £253 in electricity annually.

Duncan Parker, from Snitterfield Actioning Climate Change, commented on our installation on Snitterfield School; “We have been delighted with the partnership we have formed with Eco2Solar which has now delivered over 35 solar installations as part of the Snitterfield Actioning Climate Change Community Solar Programme. As a result we now have three installations on community buildings and the FITs generated will help pay for practical projects and education to reduce Snitterfield’s carbon footprint. Installing on the school was especially important to us because of the added symbolism that it’s our children who will suffer most if we do not reduce our carbon footprints.”