
26th March 2013

Abberley and Chaddesley Village Halls to Reap Solar Panel Benefits

In February 2012 Abberley and Chaddesley Corbett village halls took the step to go green and make money from the Government-backed Feed in Tariff at the 43.3p, per kWh of energy produced. Abberley Village Hall’s 3.92kWp installation took place in mid-February 2012; the sixteen Sharp NU245 Mono-Crystalline modules were fixed to the rear south-facing roof pitch at the hall and are expected to produce 3,365kWh of renewable energy for the village hall each year. This energy production will provide the hall with an annual tax-free income of £1,457 from the Government-backed Feed in Tariff scheme alongside making a considerable contribution to the electricity needs of the hall.

The second Village Hall installation was completed at Chaddesley Corbett Village Hall in late February 2012 and comprises 18 Kyocera 215GH-2PU, 215Watt modules, powered by one Kako 4000 inverter. This 3.87kWp installation on the south, south-west facing roof pitch is estimated to contribute 3,236kWh of renewable energy to the electricity needs of the village hall each year and provide an annual tax-free income of £1,401 from the Government-backed Feed in Tariff scheme.

As part of the installation the village hall patrons have also chosen to monitor their renewable energy production via a wall- mounted display monitor in the hallway; this will allow all visitors to the village hall to monitor the system’s progress, alongside giving the opportunity to educate the young and old about the solar system and benefits of solar power.

The two village halls have invested their money in solar energy to reduce their carbon footprint, educate visitors about the positive effect of solar on the environment and make a return on their investment to plough back into community-based schemes; all of the fantastic reasons to consider when thinking of installing solar PV!